Wednesday 7 February 2007

Willem de Kooning

Willem De Kooning b1904-1997
Dutch born painter who became an American citizen in 1961. Was one of the major figures of the Abstract Expressionist movement. Early work was conservative but in 1929 he met Arshille Gorky in New York and became a close friend of his and began to associate with his circle of avant-garde friends. He started experimenting in the 30's and 40's and began to paint more vigorously reminiscent of his later work.
His work maintained a certain amount of figuration where other artist associated with the movement were more abstract. His most controversial work, and possibly what he is best known for was the 'Woman Series' which he first exhibited in 1953. He gained the support if Harrold Rosenberg, a New York critic, and with his support Woman I has become one of the most reproduced paintings.

He has been hugely influential on younger artist for his bright and bold use of colour and paint. He was married to Elaine De Kooning in 1943, and he continued to paint well into his eighties until he was eventually beaten by Alzheimers diesease.

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