Wednesday 7 February 2007

Helen Frankenthaler

American born in 1928. She began to paint durin the Abstract Expressionism movement but later developed into Colour Field Painting. Under the guidance of Paul Feeley she received a grounding in Cubism but she had a stronger interest in the linear freedom of Arshile Gorky and the colour experimentations and theories of Wassily Kandinsky.

She attended Bennington College, Vermont, a liberal arts college in 1945-49. In the summer of 1950 she studied with Hans Hoffman. Her first one person show was in late 1951 in New York.

Jackson Pollock proved to be an enoumous stimulus to her work, more a catalyst to her development rather than developing in the same vein. She began to experiment with his drip painting style, and she started to thin the paint to soak into the canvas rather than building up layers of paint on the surface. This approach has allowed her to create complex shapes and forms.

She is married to fellow artist Robert Motherwell.

Image: 'Gateway' 1988, etching aquatint. 39"x88"

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